A unique cave full of ice features year round. Inside, you'll find a large main hallway that slowly narrows to a tight squeeze. If you're not claustrophobic, and if the ice hasn't closed the entrance, you can continue further past the squeeze to a room with ice benches. Exploration near the entrance will also reveal several channels that climb through the rock transporting you out onto ledges on the cliff face.
Numerous accidents have been reported here. A helmet, headlamp and knowledge of safe caving technique is essential. Rockfall, tight spaces, cliff faces and slippery rock can pose a serious hazard.
To Get Here: From the 4 way stop on HWY 22 next to Bragg Creek, take HWY 22 south to a T intersection. Turn right (westbound) on HWY 66. Travel 16.2km west down HWY 66 to the Ing's Mine entrance on the right side of the road, opposite the Elbow Launch.
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Hiking Directions: A 14km roundtrip hike with 1,150' elevation gain. Allow 3-5 hours return trip plus exploration time. Start at Ing's mine road. Follow the road for close to 6km where you will see a trail sign on the right hand side of the road. Follow this trail towards the tall narrow opening visible on the south side of Moose Mountain. The entrance is a large gash in the rock. Make the final push up the scree slope to begin your exploration.