The Alberta Off-Highway Vehicle Association is dedicated to providing safe individual and family motorized recreational opportunities in an environmentally responsible manner.
We are a family based organization enjoying year-round rides throughout the Rocky Mountains of Southern Alberta. Since April 2006 the Calgary ATV Riders has strived to practice good stewardship on trail clean-ups, development, and maintenance projects, as well as providing a powerful voice for the ATV enthusiasts who wish to continue to have access to Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) use and random camping.
Our region of influence spans from the Red Deer River south to Kananaskis Country. This includes the Ghost / Waiparous FLUZ, McLean Creek FLUZ, Burnt Timber, Fallen Timber and Indian Graves areas.
For those who like to get off the beaten path, the Calgary Motorcycle Club also participates in weekend trail rides at a variety of off road riding areas in the Calgary region. Some club members also participate in organized competition events such as hare scrambles, moto-cross and ice racing.
Rocky Mountain Dirt Riders Association
Club Mandate: To provide recreation and entertainment opportunities for the members and their families. To promote responsible trail use in legal and designated areas, maintain trails and be a land access advocacy focal point. To organize off-road race events.