Free to join, and open to any adult in Canada, the COC brings people together in a fun, friendly and inviting atmosphere. We strive to offer a variety of events, with some things geared for beginners, some more challenging things, and lots of 'somewhere in the middle' stuff. And, we attempt to keep events as low-cost as possible. A majority of our events take place in the Calgary area, but occasionally we visit our neighboring provinces or travel further away from home.
Each month we have regular outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, biking, inline skating and canoeing (summer) and skiing, boarding, cross-country skiing and snow shoeing (winter), as well as social events, and "special" events such as white water rafting, caving, and dog sled tours.
First and foremost we are a caving club, and our main emphasis will always be on enjoying known caves, and searching for, exploring, and mapping new discoveries. Our membership is spread across the province of Alberta (and beyond), spans all age groups, and encompasses experience levels from beginner cavers to old hands. Some of our members are extremely active cavers while others support the club passively.
The Alberta Speleological Society has become the primary authority on caves and karst in Alberta, because of our well-documented activities in the Rockies, the scientific and practical expertise of some of our members, and our ability to network with cave experts in other parts of the world. We are also the province's major special interest group on cave issues.