Distance: 8.8 km (one-way)
Elevation Gain: 188m Total Elevation Gain: 419m Physical Difficulty: 2/5 Technical Difficulty: 3/5 Time: .75 - 1.5 Hr
To Get Here: From the 4 way stop on HWY 22 next to Bragg Creek, take HWY 22 south to a T intersection. Turn right (westbound) on HWY 66. Travel 11.0 km west down HWY 66 to Station Flats. Station Flats is located on the right hand side of the road past the Elbow River bridge and Allan Bill Pond Parking.
Trail Description:
Ridgeback consists of four sections that divert and rejoin Tom Snow. They are often referred to as R1, R2, R3 & R4. From Station Flats parking lot ride to the SW corner to the trail entrance. At the first branch turn right onto Diamond-T trail and start a moderate climb towards the Ridgeback/Tom Snow junction. At the junction, turn right to exit Diamond T trail onto the well signed Ridgeback trail (R1). Follow the undulating trail as it climbs and twists through the tight forest for .8 km before intersecting with Tom Snow. Turn left again to stay on Ridgeback (R2) and enjoy a challenging climb before your first descent break into the valley bottom where it rejoins Tom Snow. Turn left and continue on Tom Snow for 300m past the Bobcat intersection. Bobcat provides access to the West Bragg area. Take your next right to continue on Ridgeback (R3). This stretch is one of the longest and more enjoyable stretches of Ridgeback with open areas providing views to the west and a great ridge line ride that gives Ridgeback it's name. After 3km of climbing, you'll get another rest as you wind back down into the valley bottom and once again join Tom Snow. Continue on Tom Snow for 300m before exiting left onto Ridgeback (R4). The final 1.6 km is an undulating climb to an open meadow where Ridgeback ends and Mountain Road and Moose Packers begin. |