Trail Descriptions:
Long Distance and Telephone Loop (clockwise): From Trailhead #3, head west on Braggin' Rights, a rolling bmx pump track trail that leads .75km to the Long Distance trail junction. Turn right and start the steep climb up Long Distance that pops out on a rolling ridgetop. The ridge has a great flow with numerous short descents and climbs. 4.6km from the parking lot, you'll reach the Disconnect turnoff where you can make a decision whether you want to complete the full loop, out and back ride, or head down disconnect for a shortened loop. To do the full loop, continue along the rolling ridge top before it begins an exciting descent towards Telephone Loop, a total of 9.5km. Early in the year, you will likely want to avoid the soggy Telephone Trail, turn around and start the long climb back up Long Distance +9.5km. This trail rides great in both directions and doesn't feel like you're repeating the same route that you just rode. Later in the year, when the trails have dried out, you can take the easier Telephone Loop option for 5.9km through the valley dropping through numerous creek beds that run from the ridge. Telephone Loop - Disconnect - Long Distance: Although this route can be ridden in both directions, popular preference is to start on Telephone Loop to enjoy a more moderate ride up Telephone and Disconnect with an exciting descent down Long Distance and Bragging Rights into the parking lot. |
Style: Cross-country
Distance: 15.4 km Long Distance & Telephone Loop 9.9 km Long Distance - Disconnect - Telephone Elevation Gain: 237 m Total Elevation Gain: 497m Full ; 337m Disconnect Physical Difficulty: 3/5 Full ; 2/5 Disconnect Technical Difficulty: 2/5 Full ; 2/5 Disconnect Time: 1.5 - 3 Hrs Full ; 1-2 Hrs Disconnect ![]()