A fast paced route with short steep hills and a moderate elevation gain. Best done counter clockwise.
Trail Description: From Trailhead #5, climb a short hill and cross straight through the Hostel Loop intersection. Continue north and just over 1km later, cross over Hostel Loop again, followed by Snowshoe Hare Loop. The trail has lots of short ups and downs as it slowly climbs to the summit near the half-way point. Eventually this portion of the loop will connect with Long Distance but currently there's a small portion that hasn't been completed yet. Stay on Telephone Loop as it winds back around to where it connects with Moose Loop. Turn Left and follow Moose Loop clockwise to your first intersection (Mountain Road Connector). Turn left and follow this for 2.4km to Trailhead #2. Alternatively, take the Moose Connector 1.5km & Crystal Line 1.5km trails back to Trailhead #1.
Distance: 12.7km one-way
Elevation Gain: 139m Total Elevation Gain: 341m Total Elevation Loss: 311m Physical Difficulty: 3/5 Technical Difficulty: 2/5 Time: 3 - 5 Hrs one-way |